Why You Can’t Get Anything Done

Hey Full Potential Zoners!

Your energy is more valuable than your time -

You don’t need more hours—you need better energy:

Burnout isn’t just about too much work.

It’s about mismanaging your energy.

We all have five types of energy—

Social, Mental, Spiritual, Physical, Emotional.

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When one is off-balance, it impacts every part of your life.

We focus on managing time -

But forget to manage our energy.

It’s not about how many hours you work.

It’s about how well you recharge.

Think about the last time you felt overwhelmed.

You probably didn’t lack time—

You lacked energy.

Today we are going to help leaders master this by using:

‘Balancing Your Energy'. 

Let’s dive in!

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How to Daily Protect Your Energy

  1. Sunday - Focus on Spiritual Energy

    • Activity: Reflect on your purpose.

      • Take some time for yourself and think about what matters most in your life.

        • Whether it's through meditation, a walk in nature, or simple journaling, use today to connect with something bigger than yourself.​

  2. Monday - Focus on Mental Energy

    • Activity: Clear your mind.

      • Start the week by avoiding information overload.

        • Take a 10-minute break from work every 90 minutes to stretch, breathe, or take a short walk.

        • This helps reduce overthinking and keeps you mentally sharp.

          • Note: These are useful every day.

  3. Tuesday - Focus on Emotional Energy

    • Activity: Process emotions.

      • Mid-week can be stressful. Use today to check in with yourself.

        • Take a few moments to notice how you’re feeling. If anything feels off, acknowledge it instead of suppressing it.

        • Write down your feelings or talk to someone about them.

  4. Wednesday - Focus on Physical Energy

    • Activity: Move your body.

      • Move in ways that feel good today. Even small movements can make a big difference.

        • Try stretching, walking, or light exercises to help recharge your body.

        • If you're sitting all day, stand up and stretch at least once every hour.

          • Note: These are useful every day.

  5. Thursday - Focus on Social Energy

    • Activity: Connect with others.

      • Make time to engage with people who uplift you.

        • Whether it's a call, a coffee with a friend, or a moment with a co-worker, prioritize positive interactions.

        • If someone drains your energy, consider how to set boundaries.

  6. Friday - Focus on Mental Energy

    • Activity: Reduce distractions.

      • Today, focus on limiting distractions while you work.

        • Turn off non-essential notifications and work in time blocks where you can concentrate.

        • Give yourself permission to step away from the computer when needed to stay focused.

          • Note: These are useful every day.

  7. Saturday - Focus on Physical and Social Energy

    • Activity: Move and engage socially.

      • Make today about enjoying both physical movement and social interactions.

        • Go for a walk with friends, play a sport, or just spend time outdoors with family.

        • Recharge physically while connecting with those who make you feel good.

Replace Social Media With Physical Activity

Several years ago, I found myself overwhelmed by constantly checking my social media apps.

Every spare minute, I would scroll through Instagram or Facebook, feeling more stressed and anxious each time.

It wasn’t just the comparison trap that got to me, but also the endless news updates and messages.

It became clear that this habit was affecting my mood, productivity, and even my sleep.

I felt mentally exhausted and stuck in a cycle of negativity.

This habit was seriously affecting my ability to recharge and enjoy my downtime.

I decided to try an idea I’d read about: replace 30 minutes of social media time with physical movement.

At first, I started small by stretching or going for a short walk when I’d normally reach for my phone.

The result?

I felt more energized and less mentally cluttered.

Within a week, I expanded this habit by doing an early morning workout and walking around the block after lunch.

Not only did I find myself more refreshed, but I also noticed my stress levels were dropping.

The mental clarity I gained was almost immediate.

My Exact 3 Step Approach:

  1. Set a timer:

    • I started by setting a 30-minute timer on my phone to remind me when it was time to put the phone down and get moving.

  2. Simple activities:

    • Even something as simple as stretching or walking can make a huge difference. You don’t need a gym membership to feel the benefits.

  3. Break it up:

    • I replaced shorter scrolling sessions with 5–10-minute movement breaks throughout the day, which helped me feel less overwhelmed.

The habit was easy to build and became something I now look forward to each day. It reminded me how small shifts in behavior can have a huge impact on overall well-being.

Here's how you can make it real over the next 4 days:

Day 1: Set Your Intention

  • Take 5 minutes to choose the energy type you want to focus on.

    • Write down why you chose it and what small improvement you hope to make.

      • This intention will help keep you focused throughout the challenge.

    • Keep it simple. For example, “I want to feel less stressed, so I’ll focus on Emotional Energy by allowing myself to feel my emotions more”.

  • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "Help me choose which type of energy (Emotional, Physical, Mental, Social, or Spiritual) I should focus on over the next 4 days. I want to understand why I’m feeling the way I do and what small improvement I could make to feel more balanced. Ask me a few questions to help me make the best choice.”

Day 2: Start Small

  • Choose one small action related to your energy type and do it today. Keep it short (5–10 minutes).

    • For example, if you chose Physical Energy, go for a 10-minute walk or stretch.

    • If it’s Social Energy, reach out to a friend for a quick chat.

  • The key is starting small, so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

    • Just commit to one manageable action.

  • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "I’ve chosen to focus on [insert energy type]. Give me a simple, short action I can do today that will make a positive impact. It should be something I can do in 10 minutes or less, and I want it to feel manageable and easy to fit into my day."

Day 3: Reflect and Adjust

  • Reflect on how yesterday’s activity made you feel.

    • Write down or think about what worked and what didn’t.

  • Today, repeat the activity, but make a small adjustment to improve it.

    • Example: If you chose Spiritual Energy and took time to meditate but found it hard to focus, try a different approach today, like sitting outside or listening to calming music.

  • Reflection helps you learn what works best for you.

  • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "I did [insert activity from Day 2] yesterday, but now I’m reflecting on how it went. Ask me some questions to help me think about what worked and what didn’t. Also, suggest a small adjustment I can make today to improve the experience."

Day 4: Build Consistency

  • Do today’s activity at the same time you did yesterday, creating a routine.

    • Repetition helps build long-term habits.

      • Whether it’s a 10-minute walk or checking in with yourself emotionally, commit to making this a regular part of your day.

    • Consistency is key to creating lasting balance.

      • Even small, repeated actions add up over time.

  • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "Help me plan how I can make the small action I’ve been doing into a regular habit. Ask me questions that help me figure out the best time to do it each day and how I can stay consistent even when life gets busy."

Balancing your energy is about creating space for yourself in a world that pulls you in a thousand directions.

It’s about giving yourself permission to slow down when you need to, and to move forward when you’re ready.

The more you prioritize balance, the more you’ll see how it impacts every area of your life.

Your mind will be clearer, your body will feel stronger, and your heart will feel lighter.

When you honor your energy, you honor yourself.

Until next week and with lots of love,


This Week’s Growth Recommendations

Book To Read:  

"Energy Medicine" by Donna Eden and David Feinstein (see it here)

TED Talk to Watch

"Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid" by Dr. Guy Winch (see it here)

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