The Secret to Better Teams: It's You

Hey Full Potential Zoners!

Leaders play a big role in their team's health.

According to the Mental Health Foundation, 55% of employees took time off work due to stress, anxiety, or depression, with poor leadership cited as a significant factor.

Leaders can influence their team's:

➥ Self-worth

➥ Career growth

➥ Work-life balance

➥ Personal relationships

➥ Job satisfaction

➥ Productivity

➥ Motivation.

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But instead of seeing this as a negative, let's reframe it positively.

As Maslow said:

"Give people affection and security, and they will give affection and be secure in their feelings and their behavior."

Leaders can use this influence to help their teams grow and stay healthy.


Today we are going to help leaders master this by using:

‘Maslow’s Hierarchy: Leadership Edition'. 

Let’s dive in!

How Leaders Can “Win” at This

Physiological Needs

  • Arrange desks and chairs to support good posture and reduce strain.

    • Ensure adequate lighting to minimize eye strain and fatigue.

  • Offer nutritious snacks and meals in the office to keep energy levels stable.

    • Encourage employees to make healthy eating choices.

  • Implement a schedule that promotes regular intervals for stretching and moving.

    • Encourage micro-breaks to refresh and prevent burnout.

Safety Needs

  • Regularly update and communicate safety procedures for emergency situations.

    • Provide training sessions to ensure everyone is aware of safety measures.

  • Offer financial wellness programs and resources.

    • Provide guidance on managing personal finances and saving for the future.

  • Set up a system for addressing workplace conflicts and grievances promptly.

    • Maintain an open-door policy where employees feel safe to voice concerns.

Love and Belonging Needs

  • Organize regular team-building activities and collaborative projects.

    • Create cross-departmental teams to break down silos and encourage unity.

  • Implement initiatives that promote a diverse and inclusive work culture.

    • Recognize and celebrate different cultural backgrounds and perspectives.

  • Pair employees with mentors to support their personal and professional growth.

    • Encourage knowledge sharing and support among team members.

Esteem Needs

  • Establish a formal recognition program for achievements and contributions.

    • Encourage peer-to-peer recognition to promote mutual appreciation.

  • Offer access to workshops, courses, and resources for continuous learning.

    • Encourage employees to pursue certifications and further education.

  • Give employees the autonomy to make decisions in their roles.

    • Support taking ownership of projects and responsibilities.

Self-Actualization Needs

  • Create an environment where new ideas are welcomed and explored.

    • Allocate time and resources for creative thinking and experimentation.

  • Help employees identify and pursue projects that align with their interests.

    • Encourage job crafting to match their roles with their strengths and passions.

  • Facilitate discussions about career aspirations and provide pathways to achieve them.

    • Offer coaching and resources for personal and professional growth.

Personal Growth Opportunities

A team I was hired to coach was struggling with low engagement and a noticeable decline in productivity.

Many members felt stuck in their roles with little opportunity for growth or advancement.

They couldn't see a path for their professional development. They felt their skills were underutilized, and their potential for contributing to larger projects was being overlooked.

To address these issues, I introduced a structured approach using Personal Growth Opportunities combined with time blocking to create dedicated development time for each team member.

Here’s how I implemented it:

Identify Growth Areas

I met with each team member to discuss their career goals, interests, and areas where they wanted to grow. We identified specific skills they wanted to develop and projects they were passionate about.

Create a Development Plan

Together, we developed a personalized growth plan for each team member. This included setting clear, achievable goals and identifying resources, such as courses or mentorship, to support their development.

Implement Time Blocking

We integrated time blocking into their weekly schedules, allocating specific time slots for personal growth activities. For example, every Thursday afternoon was dedicated to learning and skill development. This approach ensured that team members had uninterrupted time to focus on their growth without impacting their daily tasks.

Provide Opportunities for Application

I helped leaders actively seek opportunities for team members to apply their new skills in real projects. This not only allowed them to practice what they learned but also demonstrated their growing capabilities to the rest of the team.

Regular Check-Ins

We established regular check-ins to review progress, adjust plans as needed, and celebrate milestones. This kept the momentum going and maintained a sense of achievement.


Within a few weeks, we saw a significant improvement in team engagement and productivity. Members were more motivated and excited about their work.

They began contributing innovative ideas and taking on new responsibilities, which led to higher overall team performance and reduced turnover.

Here's how you can make it real over the next 4 days:

Day 1: Set Your Intention

  • Write down the specific lesson you want to focus on (e.g., developing new skills, creating a safer work environment, building better relationships, or finding personal fulfillment).

  • Set a clear, achievable intention for what you want to accomplish by the end of these four days.

    • Keep it concise and actionable.

  • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "Today, I want to set a clear goal for the lesson I have chosen to focus on. My goal is to improve my [insert lesson here, e.g., team-building skills, personal safety, etc.]. Help me create a simple, achievable intention for the next four days that will guide my actions”

Day 2: Take a Small Step

  • Take one small step towards your goal.

  • This should be something you can complete in a short amount of time and that moves you closer to your intention set on Day 1.

  • Examples:

    • If your goal is skill development, spend 30 minutes on an online tutorial.

    • For improving safety, review and update one safety procedure in your workspace.

    • To build better relationships, schedule a chat with a colleague you want to get to know better.

    • For personal fulfillment, spend 20 minutes on a hobby or interest that excites you.

  • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "I’ve set my intention to work on [insert lesson here]. Today, I want to take a small, actionable step towards this goal. What is a simple, specific action I can take today to move closer to my goal?"

Day 3: Reflect and Adjust

  • Take a few minutes to reflect on your progress from Day 2.

    • Write down what you achieved and how it felt to take that step.

  • Adjust your approach if needed.

    • If something didn’t work as planned, think about what you can change to make it more effective.

  • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "Yesterday, I took a step towards my goal of [insert goal here]. I want to reflect on how it went and think about what adjustments I might need to make. How can I evaluate my progress and what should I consider changing to make my actions more effective?"

Day 4: Build on Your Progress

  • Based on what you’ve learned and adjusted, take another step forward.

  • Build on the progress you made on Day 2 and Day 3, aiming to deepen your engagement or understanding in your chosen area.

  • Examples.

    • Spend an additional hour on your skill development, perhaps working on a small project using the new skill.

    • Implement a new safety measure based on your updated procedure.

    • Plan a team activity that can help build stronger relationships.

    • Dedicate more time to your personal interest or find a way to share it with others.

  • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "Today is about building on the progress I’ve made in improving my [insert lesson here]. What’s a meaningful action I can take today that builds on my previous steps and deepens my engagement or understanding in this area?"

A workplace that values well-being is one where individuals feel balanced and cared for.

Encourage taking breaks, providing flexibility, and promoting a healthy work-life balance.

A culture that supports well-being enables everyone to bring their best selves to work every day.

Every small change you make adds up.

And the best part of it?

You won't be only taking care of them.

You'll also be taking care of yourself.

Until next week and with lots of love,


This Week’s Growth Recommendations

Book To Read:  

"Maslow on Management" by Abraham H. Maslow (see it here)

TED Talk to Watch

"Measuring What Makes Life Worthwhile" by Chip Conley (see it here)

I have built and sold 4 successful companies and I have over 20 years of executive experience.

I have grown my LinkedIn audience to 231,000+ followers in 9 months.

I create all my infographics for myself and for many others.

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  • And much, much more

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