Leadership is Not a Title, it is Action and Example

Hey Full Potential Zoners!

Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example.

It is not about telling others what to do, but showing them how to do it.

It is not about having authority, but earning respect.

It is not about being served, but serving others.

Today we are going to learn how to do this using:

‘The Leaders We’ll Never Forget' framework. 

Let’s dive in!

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  1. Wellness Over Work

    • Schedule weekly mental health check-ins to proactively address well-being.

    • Implement mandatory breaks and wellness workshops to reduce burnout.

  2. Consistent Ally

    • Offer tailored support during crises, like flexible deadlines or mental health days.

    • Maintain an open-door policy for team members to voice concerns at any time.

  3. Empower Your Team

    • Delegate projects with significance, showing trust in team members' judgment.

    • Conduct regular meetings where team members can make and discuss autonomous decisions.

  4. Safe Space to Grow

    • Provide access to a variety of learning platforms and encourage employees to set aside time for their use.

      • Udemy, edX, LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, etc.

    • Establish mentorship programs that align employee growth with company objectives.

  5. Foster Collaboration

    • Initiate regular cross-departmental projects to foster a cooperative environment.

    • Celebrate contributions from all team members, acknowledging the value of diverse perspectives.

  6. Growth Partner

    • Map out individual development plans with clear milestones and regular review sessions.

    • Invest in professional coaching sessions tailored to enhance employees' skill sets.

  7. Learning from Mistakes

    • Create a ‘lessons learned’ forum where mistakes are dissected without personal blame.

    • Establish a protocol that focuses on rectifying errors and improving processes, not on punishment.

  8. Make it Matter

    • Regularly highlight how each role contributes to the company's success in team meetings.

    • Implement a 'reflection hour' where employees can assess their personal growth and set new goals.

  9. Fuel Ambition

    • Conduct individual career pathing sessions to identify and align employees’ aspirations with company opportunities.

    • Design tasks that are stepping stones toward each employee's career goals, providing a sense of progress.

  10. Be There for Others

    • Be readily available during critical periods, offering a calming presence and practical help.

    • Demonstrate empathy by actively listening to concerns and offering personalized support.

  11. Help Others Achieve

    • Host monthly town hall meetings to publicly acknowledge individual and team achievements.

    • Provide rewards that are both meaningful and desirable to the employees.

      • Ask them what they want - they will tell you.

  12. Motivate and Inspire

    • Set and communicate aspirational yet achievable goals that encourage employees to stretch their capabilities.

    • Pair challenges with resources and guidance, ensuring that employees feel supported as they strive to exceed expectations.

Consistent Ally

In the midst of a high-pressure quarter, it was clear my team was buckling under the weight of increased demands and shrinking deadlines.

Leading to a drop in both morale and productivity.

Stepping in, I prioritized their well-being by setting up daily check-ins to provide a platform for open dialogue, and redistributed the workload to ease their burden.

I also introduced ‘No Meeting Fridays’ (we call them “Freedom Fridays”) to allow the team space for focused work or a needed pause.

To reconnect the team with our company's mission, I organized a casual team lunch where we discussed not just work, but our shared goals and the impact of our projects.

It was a chance to remind everyone of the bigger picture and their vital role in it.

These steps proved very effective.

The team's spirits and performance improved.

This was evidenced by on-time project completion and higher satisfaction scores.

This experience underscored the importance of being a consistent ally in leadership.

Not just in times of calm but, crucially, when times were tough.

By being attentive to their needs and taking concrete steps to address them, I reinforced the message that I was there to support and empower them no matter what.

Here's how you can make it real over the next 4 days:

Day 1: Self-Reflection

  • Identify and write down why this particular leadership quality is important to you and how improving it could impact your team and workplace.

    • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "Help me articulate why [insert leadership quality] is important in a professional setting, and how improving this could benefit my team.”

Day 2: Active Listening

  • Engage with a colleague or team member in a conversation and practice active listening.

  • Focus on understanding their perspective without interrupting or offering solutions.

    • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "What are some strategies for practicing active listening, and how can I apply them in my next team interaction?"

Day 3: Small Gesture

  • Perform a small, meaningful gesture that demonstrates the leadership quality you’ve chosen.

  • For example, if you’re working on being a "Consistent Ally," you might offer help on a project to a colleague or team member.

    • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "What is a small but impactful action I can take to demonstrate [insert leadership quality] to my team?"

Day 4: Feedback Solicitation

  • Ask for feedback on the quality you’re trying to improve.

  • This could be from a peer, a manager, or a team member.

  • Make it clear you’re seeking honest, constructive insights.

    • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "How should I approach my colleagues for constructive feedback on my [insert leadership quality], and what's the best way to respond to their input?"

The goal of this challenge is to take small, consistent steps toward embodying the leadership quality you aspire to improve.

Keep it simple, be genuine in your actions, and reflect on what you learn each day.

The journey to embodying these 12 qualities is not a destination.

But a continuous path of growth and self-discovery.

Let each step you take inspire not just those you lead, but also ignite a deeper change within yourself.

May your journey be filled with moments that inspire, challenge, and transform you and those you lead.

Until next week and with lots of love,


I have built and sold 4 successful companies and I have over 20 years of executive experience.

I have grown my LinkedIn audience to 156,000+ followers in 8 months.

I create all my infographics for myself and for many others.

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