Here's What Leadership Excellence Looks Like

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Hey Full Potential Zoners!

What does the blueprint for leadership excellence look like?

Companies with strong leadership increase their revenues almost 300% faster (HBR).

"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." — Peter Drucker.

First, a BIG thanks to this week’s sponsor:

Your next project’s BFF. Project management doesn't have to be a headache. is the friend your projects need. From concept to completion, experience the magic of managing, automating, and streamlining with

But here's the challenge:

79% of CEOs worldwide are concerned about the availability of key skills among their leaders.

This concern can lead to:

⇉ High turnover

⇉ Missed targets

⇉ Lost opportunities.

Today we are going to help leaders master this by using:

‘The Leadership Planner'. 

Let’s dive in!

Below is More of the “How”

  1. Vision & Mission

    • Write down your long-term goals and align them with daily actions.

    • Communicate clearly and regularly about the company's vision to ensure team alignment.

  2. Financial Management

    • Set a clear budget and monitor spending against it.

    • Conduct regular financial reviews to adapt and plan for future needs.

  3. Team Management

    • Recruit talent that fits the team culture and fills skill gaps.

    • Hold regular team meetings to foster collaboration and address challenges.

  4. Ethical Leadership

    • Model integrity and transparency in all decisions.

    • Implement a system for reporting and resolving ethical issues.

  5. Conflict Resolution

    • Encourage open dialogue and provide a safe space for airing grievances.

    • Use mediation techniques to address conflicts fairly and promptly.

  6. Culture Building

    • Create events and spaces that promote interaction and shared experiences.

    • Recognize and celebrate team achievements regularly.

  7. Strategic Planning

    • Define clear milestones and track progress towards them.

    • Adjust strategies based on performance data and changing conditions.

  8. Communication Skills

    • Practice active listening to understand team needs and feedback.

    • Use clear, concise language in all forms of communication.

  9. Customer Focus

    • Regularly seek customer feedback to understand their needs.

    • Use customer insights to drive product improvements and service enhancements.

  10. Performance Management

    • Set clear performance criteria and review them with employees regularly.

    • Provide specific feedback and support for professional development.

  11. Change Management

    • Communicate the reasons behind changes clearly and how they will benefit the team.

    • Provide support and training to ease transitions.

  12. Decision Making

    • Use data and team input to make informed decisions.

    • Be decisive and take responsibility for the outcomes.

  13. Innovation & Adaptability

    • Encourage brainstorming sessions to explore new ideas.

    • Stay informed about industry trends and adjust strategies accordingly.

  14. Psychological Safety

    • Foster an environment where employees feel safe to express concerns and ideas.

    • Promote well-being and support through mental health resources and policies.

  15. Personal Development

    • Encourage self-assessment and goal-setting for continuous personal growth.

    • Offer opportunities for learning and career advancement within the company.

Culture Building

A team at a company I was consulting with was grappling with low morale and high turnover rates.

Primarily due to a perceived lack of inclusivity and engagement from remote employees who felt isolated and less valued compared to their in-office counterparts.

The divide between remote and in-office team members created an environment where remote employees felt they had limited access to career growth opportunities and were often overlooked in daily communications and team bonding activities.

This situation was starting to impact team cohesion and overall productivity.

I stepped in to revamp their approach to building a more inclusive and positive work culture.

First, I initiated a series of virtual breaks where both remote and in-office team members could casually interact over video calls.

To ensure everyone felt included, these breaks were scheduled at various times to accommodate different time zones.

Additionally, I implemented a 'kudos' program within their internal communications platform.

This allowed team members to publicly acknowledge their colleagues' contributions, regardless of their location.

Each month, the person with the most kudos received recognition in a company-wide meeting, enhancing visibility for remote workers.

These initiatives significantly improved morale across the board.

The virtual breaks became a hit, greatly appreciated for breaking down the formal barriers of work meetings.

The kudos program not only increased recognition for remote employees but also encouraged a culture of appreciation and positivity that permeated their daily operations.

Over the next quarter, they observed a 40% reduction in turnover and a marked improvement in team collaboration metrics.

Here's how you can make it real over the next 4 days:

Day 1: Reflection

  • Choose one of the 15 topics you want to work on this week.

  • Spend 15 minutes writing down your current approach to the chosen topic.

  • For example, if you chose "Communication Skills," jot down how you currently communicate with your team, the methods used, and any feedback you’ve received.

    • This will help you identify the strengths and weaknesses in your current strategy.

  • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "Help me analyze my current approach to [Chosen Topic]. Here's what I currently do: [Brief description of current approach]. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this method?”

Day 2: Research

  • Find a resource—be it an article, video, or a book section—that offers techniques or insights into your chosen topic.

  • Dedicate at least 30 minutes to learning from it.

    • This provides new perspectives and strategies that you might not have considered before.

  • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "Recommend some top resources (articles, videos, books) on [Chosen Topic]. I'm looking for practical advice and advanced strategies."

Day 3: Share and Engage

  • Apply one of the strategies you learned yesterday in your daily activities.

  • For instance, if your focus is on "Ethical Leadership," try to transparently discuss a decision-making process with your team, highlighting ethical considerations.

    • Putting theory into practice is crucial for growth and helps solidify learning.

  • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "I learned about [New Strategy/Technique from Day 2's research] and want to implement it. How can I best apply this technique in my daily leadership tasks? Here's what I typically do: [Brief description of typical tasks]."

Day 4: Feedback

  • Ask for direct feedback from a peer or a team member about the changes you’ve implemented.

  • Make sure to ask specific questions related to the topic you are working on.

    • Feedback is a powerful tool for improvement, helping you understand the impact of the changes you’ve made and how they are perceived by others.

  • ChatGPT Prompt to Help: "How should I approach asking for feedback on my recent changes concerning [Chosen Topic]? What specific questions should I ask to get constructive and actionable insights?"

As you work on each of these use the box next to each one to checkmark the ones you have mastered.

Great ideas and plans only become valuable when they are acted upon.

Challenge yourself to not just plan, but do.

Start small by choosing 1 section to master this week, but start today.

Your actions will inspire others and set the foundation for a strong leadership legacy.

Until next week and with lots of love,


This Week’s Growth Recommendations

Book To Read:  

"Dare to Lead" by Brené Brown (see it here)

TED Talk to Watch

"Everyday Leadership" by Drew Dudley (see it here)

I have built and sold 4 successful companies and I have over 20 years of executive experience.

I have grown my LinkedIn audience to 215,000+ followers in 9 months.

I create all my infographics for myself and for many others.

Let me share my secrets and help you:

  • Grow on LinkedIn

  • Design infographics for you

  • Increase sales

  • Create positive cultures

  • Streamline operations

  • Wow your customers

  • Develop leadership skills

  • And much, much more

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